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  • Do I have to be in a wheelchair?
    No - most of our clients do not use wheelchairs.
  • Do I need my own boat?
    No – quite a few of our helpers don’t have boats either! We provide all the boats that are needed! If you do have your own sailing boat, please bring it along and keep it at the club!
  • Do I need my own lifejacket?
    No - we will provide buoyancy aids suitable for the individuel.
  • Will I get wet?
    Unless it is raining, you may get a little spray on you, but you should stay fairly dry.
  • Will everyone know what my disability is?
    No- we do need to know about any disabilities or medical conditions, but this is for the Senior Instructor, and if appropriate, the helper who will be with you during the session.
  • Do I have to come every week?
    No – whilst we would love to see you every week, if you can only make it once – that is good – if you want to come more often, please do!
  • How long is the session?
    The sessions run from 6pm to 8pm on the nights in the season, however, at the discretion of the Senior Instructor, a session may be cancelled or cut short depending on the conditions, to ensure safety is maintained. Also, if we are busy, we try to get everyone on the water who wants to, and so a session may not last as long on a busy evening than on a quiet evening – and this also depends on what boats are chosen!
  • What age range can attend?
    To be a client, our only age constraint is that you must be over 8 years old. We have no upper limit.
  • Are there changing facilities and toilets?
    Yes, there are changing rooms and toilets in the main clubhouse, a short distance from our area.

More information

For more information please see the contact page by clicking the below contact us button.

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