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What Can a Client Do?

Firstly, we aim to provide a fun session for anyone, irrespective of their capability

We can provide sessions on the water for people who have no apparent impairment, through the spectrum to those in wheelchairs

We also run sessions using power boats, where they cruise around the lake, and we have a limited capability to offer such “cruises” to those using wheelchairs.

If you are interested, either contact us or come to one of our sessions and discuss your requirements and raise your questions with one of the team.

Client clothing

Anyone going on, or near the water will need to wear a buoyancy aid, which BSCSG will provide.

We want you to enjoy your time with us, so if it is cold, on the water it will feel even colder, so wrap up warmly if you feel the cold, and perhaps have layers, so you can stay comfortable.

If the weather is moist, if you have waterproof trousers and jacket, that would be good, but if you anticipate it to be damp, you can always remove layers. We would also suggest having a change of warm clothes.

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